We are a grassroots and all-volunteer organization.
We do not accept financial contributions from unions, businesses, and other organizations. We do accept financial contributions from individuals. We also accept in-kind contributions from organizations.
This page includes information on all financial contributions and in-kind contributions received. It is updated every month on the 5th of the month.
We are currently not incorporated and are informally organized. Tom Kertes is the volunteer organizer of People for Public Infrastructure. Eight community members met on November 6, 2022 to form the organization and lay out our vision, values, goals, and plan.
All community members are welcome to join the organization by attending planning meetings. Meeting dates and times are posted on the website. Contact Tom Kertes at 778-884-5343 or tomkertes@gmail.com to be notified of the next meeting.
Financial Contributions
- Nov. 7, 2022 Update – None received
In-Kind Contributions
- Nov. 7, 2022 Update- None received
Budget (Income/Expense) Reports
- A budget report will be provided every quarter starting on Jan. 5, 2023 for the 4th quarter of 2022.